Jacksonville Chiropractic
Auto Accident Treatment
Comprehensive Auto Accident Treatment
At First Coast M.D. we handle the complete treatment of your auto accident injuries. Our medical doctor and chiropractic physician will evaluate your injuries, recommend diagnostic imaging such as X-Ray, MRI or CT to determine the extent of your injuries and the best way to treat them. Our trained staff that has been treating auto accidents since 2008 will handle all necessary referrals, will deal directly with your attorney and insurance to insure that you can focus on getting better. Our team will even provide you with a final report with imairment rating if requested.
Before we start treating your injuries, we will document your auto accident injuries. We will use this to determine the best course of treatment. It will also be used by your attorney and insurance company.
Florida PIP
It is important that you receive treatment within 14 days of your auto accident.
Medical Doctor & Chiropractor
Our auto accident treatment includes treatment from our medical doctor and our chiropractic physician. This comprehensive approach allows our team to work closely together.
Our office is located at 9550 Baymeadows road in Jacksonville, Florida.